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a 2012, 87 mins
a film by Bill Mousoulis  

Director Bill Mousoulis first noticed Alessandro Figurelli at a film festival in Athens several years ago. Mousoulis was struck by Figurelli's presence, as Figurelli watched the screen with passion, and keenly videotaped Q&As by filmmakers, and asked penetrating questions himself. At that moment, Mousoulis knew this man woud be the protagonist of his next feature film.

Figurelli is a modern-day Renaissance Man: actor, photographer, filmmaker, theatre producer, musician, voracious reader and speaker of several languages, and a man of the street, socially and politically active.

Figurelli's fierce intelligence graces Wild and Precious beautifully.

about   synopsis   Mousoulis   Figurelli   Zocco   Levy   Athanitis   Koudounis   credits